Wednesday, October 23, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

I asked Michael for a recap of his morning and I got proposed to in front of Sarah. Michael and I are now registered at Amazon and Crate & Barrel.

Bill and Roxanne are now addicted to smutty television shows.

Sarah's sister in law is coming at the end of the week and apparently doesn't like the mattresses that Sarah has for her guests so she's having some new ones shipped to her home.

"I have to hide it from Bud or he'll take it." me to Faith about my Bath & Body Works order

Patrick with Dal thought we needed to put Toni out of his misery today. I tried telling him that Toni was on the mend but he didn't believe me.

Tim is requesting a new warehouse guy who can't remember as well as Bud does. Tim's pissed that he has to pay full price for something.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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