Monday, July 29, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

"You would think that I would know better, the only other guy who is here all the time is half girl and transitioning." Steve about Toni

Ashley's dog Kahlua now seems to be a lush because she loves mimosas.

Roxanne stole one of Bill's jokes at a party and Bill is livid at his wife because unfortunately funny is all Bill has.

"Because of your sick jokes....." Toni to Bill

"I don't like Canada." Bill because he doesn't want to give in and go to Victoria like his wife wants him to.

Michael thinks that he went camping with Ashley over the weekend but Ashley is denying it. I'm not sure who to believe since it wasn't my weekend to watch Michael.

Typh volunteered me to be the official company dog sitter so Kahlua will be here on Friday and Monday with me. I think I'm going to need new business cards. 

I finally made it through my pictures from last weekends hike and I realized I had a decent picture of the guy that I took a man card away from because his yoga pants were way more colorful than his girlfriends.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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