Thursday, July 11, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Marty is going to love the new girl, she knows all about race horses because of one of her previous jobs.

I'm beginning to think that my husband only thinks that I'm funny when I've had a few drinks because he absolutely insulted me last night by telling me that I came up with something that he only expected after at least half of a drink and I was completely sober at the time.

One of our suppliers listed someone's job sidemark as Burpinbox.

Ashley told me that her concert tickets were coming in today's mail (well they didn't show up) and I think she's about to become suspicious of me stealing them.

This next day was our scenic drive from Mendocino to Bodega Bay. Bodega Bay's claim to fame is having the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds" filmed there and the we found the school house from the movie and luckily no pesky birds.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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