Tuesday, July 2, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

I realized I had a text this morning and I thought it was Toni finally telling us that he had his baby. It ended up being Tim mentioning that the porpoises gave him a fifteen minute show in front of his boat which is very exciting too.

Steve and Bill are going to start their own support group, Managers Against Dumbasses, M.A.D. for short.

I think I almost gave Sarah a heart attack twice today, I think she'll be glad to not have me around for a few days.

Ashley's sweet little dog threw up in her bed last night under the covers and because of it she decided that the dog deserved to be here, it was like she was rewarding her dog.

Poor Mary has been in agony all day, first Toni and Nikki were supposed to be at the hospital at 2 pm to be induced and then they didn't have room for them so now they think it may happen at 7 pm.

I will be in Mendocino California for the Fourth, see you all Monday.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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