Tuesday, July 9, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Marty complimented me on my outfit this morning but then he told me that I looked like a berry. Was he talking about my sunburned face matching my outfit?

Ross Perot died and Bill's pretty sure that the youngsters like Toni and Ashley don't even know who that is.

I think Michael and Sarah are having a lovers spat, he sure wasn't here very long today, I think he's trying to avoid her....I wonder what happened when I was out of town?

Faith thought she was smelling ozone above her desk. What exactly has she been sniffing in our warehouse? I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on that woman.

When I left for my doctors appointment I left a sign on my door that said something about I had a hot date and it wasn't with Marty and I'm pretty sure Marty was probably the only one who saw my sign.

Tim called today and obviously was bored without his wife being there because he wanted to know the latest gossip at work.

Should I be concerned my husband claimed he was taking pictures of the Fourth of July Parade in Mendocino yet I found this....

The other concerning thing about this picture is the town of Mendocino's population is only 894 redneck people and these ones would be considered the hotties of the crowd.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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