Monday, July 8, 2019


The Daily Chatter

Toni and Nikki finally had their baby on the Fourth of July.

Faith says that she should never be left alone because her mind gets the best of her.

Bill tried giving Michael the subtle hint that he was fired by not signing his check but that didn't work.

Steve's getting a little picky, he wants a new door sign already.

I didn't look at it very closely but I'm pretty sure Bill sent me a vacation request to take the rest of the year off (because he's moving).

On Wednesday when we boarded the plane for San Francisco I could have sworn the apocalypse happened, the plane wasn't full, in fact I don't think it was even half full and in the last several years we haven't been on a flight where every seat wasn't filled. After we got to San Francisco we found our favorite cafe in Sausalito and had lunch there before driving hours up the coast to Mendocino to meet up with Ryan's brother and sister in law. (The pictures after the bridge are all of the ocean around the property that we stayed at, it was pretty incredible and I still really want to be there.)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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