Monday, July 15, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Typhinee!

Don't try to rationalize with Typh when she's had too much to drink because she will start talking about everything in unicorn terms.

Toni finally came back to work today and could only talk and show pictures of his baby boy all day.

Michael seems to think that he's very good at laying things and tile was an odd example that he gave for some reason.

My husband screwed up the cake at the store by getting frosting on the lid and once he found out that it was for Typh he thought we should get a new one, he really didn't want to get chewed out by her.

Bill thinks we're all crazy because we can't get our own website pull up at work. It's true I tell you and Michael agrees with me (I really am crazy if Michael agrees with me).

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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