Tuesday, October 23, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Bill mentioned that the most frustrating thing about watching "Downton Abbey" for Roxanne is that she can't wear a tiara anytime she wants to unlike the characters in the show. Well I think she can if she wants to....

Mary's so called trouble friends were at Stephanie's baby shower the other day and they weren't drinking, snorting coke or doing anything scandalous the other day. They mentioned that Mary is the mischief maker and they constantly have to keep their eyes on her.

"You and Mary have different approaches to letting employees go." Toni to Bill   (Toni heard Shira and Mary laughing)

Toni was complaining about his bum again today....

I bribed Michael that if he gave me juicy gossip that his stuff would get pushed to the top of the list. He had the nerve to tell me that he doesn't like to spread rumors. Why is he acting so holy at the moment?

*not to be construed as Gossip

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