Tuesday, October 2, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Toni had his drivers license updated with his new address and he thought they screwed up his drivers license #. Apparently in July they started giving out new drivers license numbers.

The cold weather is definitely here, Ashley 1.0 had her door closed trying to keep the heat in and I was dreaming of wearing fur capes and insulated boots.

According to Ashley 1.0, Michael needs to go back to driving like Bill from Iowa who he pretended to be while on vacation.

From Salzburg we rode the train to Bolzano, Italy and then rented a car to go to the mountains. We lucked out on our room somehow they ended up giving us a room with a balcony that had spectacular views of the Dolomite mountains. I discovered one of the greatest things in life at this hotel, on their morning buffet they had freshly made cream filled croissants (which were delicious) warmed in a portable croissant case which made the croissants absolutely perfect. I'll be putting the croissant case on my Christmas wish list just in case anyone wants to buy me one. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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