Wednesday, October 17, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Toni came into work today he obviously he didn't win his millions and hopefully he reconsiders leaving.

Bill wanted to quit "Downton Abbey" because Matthew died. I told him we've all been there, we've all debated whether or not to continue and I told him that it's worth it to keep going. If any of you disagree with me then keep your mouth shut.

Toni and Marty seem to be having a lovers spat today. It was probably because Steve and Toni were fondling each other earlier.

Roger found out today that the months of the year finally got changed around. He had a customer tell him that she met with him in September, we went through February and now we're into October. I'm glad that somebody finally informed him of the change.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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