Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Bill's been complaining that he needs more Zen in his life and Zen tea will work for the moment but I think he desperately misses his Zen Garden (hint hint Roxanne, Christmas is right around the corner).

NYC had its first shooting free weekend in twenty-five years, that's quite amazing.

According to Michael he only has a little thing for me when I clean the office and he's very specific about my clothing and what I have to be wearing. He's starting to sound like Marty....

Toni thinks he's going to win $25 million with his friends on the lottery and he's trying to decide on his quitting date here. I think it's been stressing him out all day, that's why he ended up with a horrible headache. I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that his brother in law and sister in law are staying with him for the week.

Bill and Toni (luckily in Bill's office) "What can we grow three inches with?" I would hate to see all of the misleading products that they were shopping for. It was super embarrassing because they were calling sales reps to get technical information on the products.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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