Thursday, June 28, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Steve told me that Kellen thinks that Toni looks like George Clooney, I might disagree but whatever.

Mary asked for Courtney on the phone this morning, you know she had a wild night.

Ashley 1.0 called me judgy today....

Sarah claims that her husband will be in tomorrow for all of you doubters (that she really has a husband). I have to say I've seen him before and he's real.

On our trip we drove up to La Jolla one night and had a wonderful dinner at the Lodge at Torrey Pines with all of our famous golf friends but along the way we stopped at a beach that was known for having seals. When we were leaving I looked out in the ocean and noticed some sort of dolphins or whales that were slowly going by (I know I just scared Toni with the word whale).

*not to be construed as Gossip

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