Wednesday, June 27, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Roxanne, you need to yell at your husband.  Bill left a huge price tag on the flowers that he bought for Ashley 2.0 this morning. I do appreciate that he brought in flowers but please still yell at him.

Michael couldn't remember who Rosali was but then he did finally remember the comment that Kellen made about her so it brought everything back to his memory.

Steve finally did it, he drove one of our installers into having a heart attack. Luckily it wasn't on the job site so thankfully I don't have to fill out L&I forms and write "Steve" under the cause or reason.

I have to share photos of course. This ended up being one of my favorite spots in San Diego, Sunset Cliffs they overlooked the ocean and it was a very beautiful and peaceful place to be. It was also a great place to get high from other peoples joints (there were plenty of surfers).

*not to be construed as Gossip

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