Tuesday, June 19, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Roxanne really must hate all of us. Why would she let Bill come to work today when he was grumpy? Or if she doesn't hate us maybe I should ask is Roxanne duct taped to a chair in a closet because she tried to save all of us from Bill yet Bill wanted to come to work to try and depress the rest of us?

I heard Tim refer to Michael as his partner on the phone today. Totally makes sense now, why else would they want some hole in the wall to see each other in their new offices.

Toni's just as bad as his mother, he brought in treats from the new bakery cafe down the street.

Bill was so depressed today that he just played with his pencils.

On Saturday Ryan and I went for a hike at Snow Lake and this time it delivered on its name. Half of the trail was still covered with snow and a good portion of the lake was too. It was a beautiful day when we started and by the time we were heading for the car the mountain was totally covered with clouds and it even started to rain.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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