Thursday, December 21, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Typhinee called me a loser first thing this morning.

My husband rarely posts on FB and yesterday I saw him comment on a post of some of our relatives in Paris and he was telling them places to go. I did a double take and then I decided this has got to be another Ryan with the same last name and then I looked and realized it was my husband. Then my next thought was someone took over his FB account or otherwise he's been holding out on me that he's a Paris travel expert. Turns out someone at his work took over his phone.

Apparently if you need a free ride in the middle of the night from Mt Baker, Toni is the best friend to have on speed dial for that.

Crazy after doing coke Sarah has no idea who anyone is on the phone. Michael was apparently with Sarah because he called after she did and he was just as confused as she was.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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