Monday, December 4, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Very disappointing, none of us were invited to Toni and Nikki's Friendsgiving on Saturday. Not saying I could have made it anyways because I was at Roxanne's lovely baby shower where Bill's mother was hitting on my husband.

I'm a little disappointed that Tim's not going to be able to make our Christmas Party this year because I really need someone to dress up as a reindeer.

Poor Randy fell off a ladder in our showroom with spackle in his hand this last weekend or at least that's his excuse as to why there's spackle everywhere. Steve for some reason thinks that Randy and his brother were having spackle wars and throwing it from across the room. My guess is they were playing fireball and they were in a rush to fill in all of the holes so they started covering the ball with spackle to save time.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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