Wednesday, December 13, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

I don't think my husband is going to forgive me when he finds out that I didn't share two half pound Reese's with him.

"I wouldn't be a good boss if I didn't make everything about myself." Bill

I told Toni that Kellen just ruined my Christmas. I had high hopes of meeting his girlfriend and asking a bunch of questions but apparently he doesn't think that our party will be good enough for her. He said he was concerned about what the invitations said about crazy talk with his co-workers.

Toni asked Kellen in a separate conversation if he was coming to the Christmas party and he mentioned he couldn't bring his girl because of the way that Steve and Bill talk. Toni was disappointed that he didn't say his (Toni's) name also. So technically Steve and Bill ruined my Christmas.

Mary made it very clear to Ashley today that if she had an office romance with anyone in the warehouse that she would want to know about it so that we all could judge her later.

Roger dropped a bomb on me today, he said that Dot wasn't going to make our party. Has she been talking to Kellen?

*not to be construed as Gossip

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