Thursday, December 7, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

This is too funny not to share, Sarah's kid requested gas masks for Christmas. She thinks it has something to do with him seeing them in a video game and not him thinking that this is the end of the world.

I told Ashley not to pick up the phone if Mary calls this afternoon because she's out with her girlfriends today and tomorrow and more than likely she'll be inebriated. You know those ladies all have purses full of little bottles of booze.

Today was a big day, Kellen broke his silence and talked to me again. There weren't any witnesses so I'm pretty sure he'll deny it.

Roger claims that he's 100% normal and that we can make fun of him, done deal.

From the text that we received yesterday, I'm pretty sure Tim is staying in Moses Lake because he found another company to work for, Apex Cannabis.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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