The Daily Chatter*
Toni grossed me out first thing this morning. He told me that he found a spider in his beard after showering this morning (it came off his towel).
Any day now Mary and her friends should be receiving an invoice from the Sorrento Hotel for rearranging their furniture to their liking.
Steve tried telling his wife yesterday that he was noble and stepped in to defend a woman in a fight in downtown Seattle and that was the reason for the gash on his head. Turns out he somehow smacked himself with a board at the shop.
Tim doesn't understand why I have a bunch of leg lamp lights hanging from my desk for Christmas. Obviously he hasn't seen "A Christmas Story".
Toni flipped out and almost started crying because Bill offered to give him some old racing stickers today.
How sweet Ashley claims that she's going to miss Bill and me in her new office. I'm sure next week she'll forget that we even exist.
Steve complained today that he felt left out because nobody decorated his desk with Christmas stuff. Bill was kind enough to go back and tp his desk while he was gone so that he wouldn't feel left out.
Since Tim is the only one who looks amazing in a bunny outfit I really wish he would come to our Christmas Party wearing this one. Seeing Tim in this would surely make Roxanne go into labor.
*not to be construed as Gossip