Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Roger claims that his wife came to her senses and is going to come home tomorrow.

I'm really starting to like the Belgiums for more than their chocolate, they used cat memes on Twitter recently to confuse terrorists of police movement in the city.

The Onion gives a step by step with pictures on how to cook the perfect Thanksgiving turkey.

Roger told me that he thinks I'm right about Toni.

I think I probably freaked Nathaniel out, I told Toni that I already have three DUI's for the week.

Mary told me that if I got a sexually transmitted disease that I couldn't blame it on her. I'm pretty sure that I can....especially with all of the names that she was name dropping today.

Toni called me out on my loud gulping today and then Mary had to chime in and give me he$$ for it too. It's a good thing Ryan wasn't here because he would have gone for hours.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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