Wednesday, November 18, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Tim told me that Toni cheated on Nikki yesterday and that Roger wants his wife to leave....I'm not sure how he knows all of this but he needs to write his own Gossip Column.

Roger apparently made Andrew very much so that Andrew had to miss another day just to avoid seeing Roger. Roger also made Mary sick yesterday because she didn't come in today either.

I saw an article today that was titled "Proud of his Son" with a picture of Martin and Charlie Sheen. Needless to say I didn't read the article because there were too many words but I want to know is he really proud that his son did everything and everyone that he possibly could to get HIV?

According to a credible news source, The Onion, Obama issued his third presidential pardon to get Biden out of jail this year.

Roger told me that if I didn't like a certain movie that he would personally refund me my money for renting it. I'm sure that Bill wishes for the same money back guarantee courtesy from Roger recommended movies but we won't go into that.

Toni just told me that the next James Bond is black and the most outspoken person in our office told us that's never going to work.

Why is it that Roger always has the most interesting stories....He was offered a hit off of a bong at a measure today.

Tim sent me this today. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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