Thursday, November 5, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

I just want to say the Viewer Discretion Advisory is all because of Mary. 

Nathaniel finally came back to work. Roger told him he was a wuss for going to the hospital, he said he should have taken ibuprofen and he would have been either fine or dead.

Normally I'm the one who hangs up on solicitors and I had one hang up on me today, it was awesome.

Roger didn't want to talk to Charlize Theron today, I'm really not sure why.

I didn't see this coming but Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani both recently got divorced to be together, I wonder how expensive that mistake was......

Roger told me that I'm normally a nice person but he's heard some stories from Ryan. Then Toni interrupted him and told everyone that I hit him when he's left alone with me at the office.

Toni came in this morning talking about how hot Justin Timberlake looked at the CMA Awards last night. 

Hopefully Mary has already given Toni his birthday gift or otherwise I just ruined his surprise. She found a Scrote n' Tote Nut Sack Backpack for Toni since he seems to really fixate on male anatomy.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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