Tuesday, November 10, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"I want to go to lunch, come pick me up, I'm too drunk to drive." Roger to Tim

Ryan, Bill opened your package again. He said he was almost done making a stew in it, I'm not sure why he didn't finish it though. Bill also needs to learn what the difference is between a cast iron dutch oven and a crockpot is...

The headline of the day "No joke, the clip-in man bun exists".  I think we should all have one of these for the Christmas Dinner.

Tim was making fun of me today for adding hot water to my cold water....Obviously he's going to get the Person who needs to F*&$ Off Award at our Christmas Dinner. 

Roger seemed very disturbed that I was spending too much time in his back room today. I told him I was only trying to find out where he hides his alcohol. The only thing I found in his desk was Boone's Farm and I know that you can't get drunk off of that so I know he has to be hiding something better somewhere else. 


 *not to be construed as Gossip

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