Thursday, November 19, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Steve was tickled pink that he finally got his revenge on Bill from his helper days. Bill was showing an installer how to install some LVP and Steve had to show up to help out and he told Bill that he couldn't leave and didn't care if he was shooting stuff out either end because they needed to finish.

According to Roger he did not make a call to Egypt the other day but he did.... (Apparently you don't put a phone number and a time next to each other and then call it). So now he thinks he's on the government watch list. What he doesn't realize is that a very long time ago I put a call into the NSA, FBI, CIA, TSA, EPA, DOJ and Alien Task Force Agency (the same one that harassed Alf) on his behalf.

Mary says she shouldn't make out with the new hires anymore because they end up getting sick....I'm sure this won't stop her though.

"Tim just wants it all." me  "Typical white entitlement." Roger

Toni now knows what Baby Metal is.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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