The Daily Chatter*
"We need more holidays on Thursdays." Roger
Roger thought that the weatherman and I made up the term freezing fog.
Tim pretty much called Mary a whore today because of her new dolphin tattoo. She's already a whore but definitely not because of her tattoo.
Steve is officially having another girl.
MSN had a top 25 Christmas movie list today and "Die Hard" didn't make the cut.
Ryan and I discovered that the show "Drunk History" is way funnier when you're drunk too.
Don't ever ask Tim to watch your horses because he'll whine about watching them the whole time.
"I'm a G......., that baby can't afford to lose anymore brain matter." Bill
Typhinee claims she has the flu but I'm pretty sure she stayed home for Cyber Monday.
Toni seems to think that the guys will be up for Sushi for Friday lunch.
*not to be concerned as Gossip