Monday, September 21, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Mary's pissed because I became a grandmother before her. Ryan's son had their baby boy on Saturday night. 

I had horrible flashbacks today when the Tyco rep came in and I couldn't pawn him off on Bill because he was at lunch. Luckily it was the shortest conversation I've had with that man.

Bill can't wait for Roger to get back. I think he wants to dump crap on him then leave for vacation.

Typhinee says she's Crystal and Jared's marriage counselor...

What is up with Lady Gaga at the Emmy awards, she actually looks good.
Bill found out that Damon only lives about a mile from his new place. I think there going to be BFF's now.

"Randy's kind of a stud." Steve

I hope Roger remembers to bring me his vacation pictures along with his Alaska and Hawaii pictures whenever he returns to work.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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