Thursday, September 17, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"You're full of sh*t" Mary to Toni

"I'm going to f*ck your day up." Toni to Damon

"Has it come to this, where Mary beats me to work?" Tim

Tim's picture tried attacking me yesterday. I bumped his desk with the vacuum and it came flying down at me, luckily the glass didn't break. Obviously he has some sort of anger towards me....

"Women are expensive." Steve  Is this why he wants to have another one?

Bill told Steve something about his Aunt having balls....

"I'm going to introduce my life partner (Toni) to all of my new neighbors today."  Bill

A contestant on Jeopardy recently wrote "Turd Ferguson" as her answer. It's a real life SNL skit.

Another video to give Toni night terrors.  Killer Whales chasing a boat recently in San Diego.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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