Wednesday, September 2, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Apparently Roger was arguing with himself at lunch yesterday.

"I'm a normal guy, I get a bad rap from her (pointing to me)." Roger

"I thought you sounded more normal than usual." Mary to Roger about being on Novocaine

"This is a f*cking depressing conversation. I just came in to see how you were doing, now I want to slit my wrists." Roger to Mary

"If there is some weird freaking sh*t, it's always you." Bill to Steve

Steve mentioned that he crammed the van full of crap today and had the back doors open some and right before his exit he said somebody started honking at him and he turned and waved and it was GB telling him that crap was falling out the back. Steve was ticked that Gary didn't pull over to help him.

We were talking about people who should have been pissed off by Steve and who weren't and two seconds later one of those people from Steve's past called.

Tim claims he was working today but I just don't know about that man. 

Bill claims that he didn't tell Cody no on the bluetooth speaker fan. He claims they exchanged smiley faces by text and that was it. Cody I think you have an exchange to make at Home Depot.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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