The Daily Chatter*
My husband made a terrible mistake last night, he questioned what I told him. I mentioned that he downloaded something to his old computer and he didn't believe me....Needless to say he can barely walk today but that might be from the 11 mile hike that we took on Saturday.
Loopy Larry wants a weekend job installing, he told Toni on Friday night that he used to install in Alabama.
"Nobody has ever offered me sex for money." Toni
"Toni, you're a nasty nasty boy." Mary
"They're a sh*tty company but they're supposed to be." Bill about Flohawk
Typhinee was a little concerned that I didn't know what kind of cake Roger liked. Does it really matter, he gets whatever I get for him....
Uh-oh Tim found the stash of Bill's blue pens and he really likes them.
"I'm protecting you, trust me, Roxanne grabs my phone and does some weird stuff." Bill to Mary
"Those guys are gross back there, I'm not sure how my Mormon nephew is going to handle it." Bill
Toni thinks I'm trying to poison him with rubbing alcohol in his coffee.
"Drill him. You're good at that." Bill to Mary
Now for trail picture Monday, Ryan and I hiked to Colchuck Lake in Leavenworth on Saturday to only find out that my dad, sister and uncle had just left there from the Enchantments the day before.
*not to be construed as Gossip