The Daily Chatter*
Toni just discovered the barrier at the side street exit that all of us were talking about last week.
Sarah found out that Kellen got stuck on a crappy route, the mall, so obviously Kellen already irritated his new employer.
Roger told me something remarkable the other day but I'm not supposed to know or tell anyone. He told me that Sarah and her husband both work for the CIA.
Mary is finally questioning her son in law. She mentioned today that he's the only one who doesn't love the coffee that she made as mementos that she gave out at her mothers funeral.
Bill and Steve were talking about the best places to pick up hookers for the Christmas Party (just in case anyone wants to follow their lead). Roxanne and Jen apparently you two can go together unless you have dates. (Roxanne, I'm just assuming that your cousin will set you up with someone for free).
*not to be construed as Gossip
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