Tuesday, November 6, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley's in trouble with Bill, she didn't come in after her surgery today.

Bill had a dream last night that I was a b*$ch. I'm pretty sure that's what many people call me on a daily basis.

I think Bill will be writing a letter to whomever decided that the show "$#*! My Dad Says" made the 50 worst TV shows in modern history list and apparently I'll be writing one over "Dr Ken" making that list also.

Bill was harassing Toni and me about whether or not we got our flu shots yet and I told him that we were fine because we both swapped spit with Sarah who had the flu recently.

It sounds like Roxanne is volunteering to be the designated driver at our Christmas Party this year as long as she's not passed out from all of the alcohol that she intends on drinking....

Toni thinks that he was more responsible at sixteen than he is now.

Amazon is now suggesting some interesting things for me now that I bought Toni a men in uniforms coloring book.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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