The Daily Chatter*
First thing I heard Bill say while he was on the phone this morning was "She was buck naked?" so automatically I thought wow Roger had a good measure this morning. Apparently Roxanne decided to go to a non-bikini (no bikini, no nothing) barista for coffee this morning. On top of it she paid nine something for a mocha and then gave the woman a five dollar tip (so that she could afford clothes). Bill is now questioning his wife's sanity and he informed her that porn is free.
Bill and I are kind of feeling left out, we feel like we are the only ones who haven't been to one of these coffee ladies because even my own mother has a story about going to one.
Toni was mentioning to us that he went to a naked woman coffee stand this week and he thought it was fine because a contractor recommended the place. He said he had a five dollar bill out and the woman said it was nine dollars for coffee.
Bill asked where Ashley was this morning and I said she was out in the warehouse showing the installers her new boobs. He was very quick to get out of his chair and go out there.
Leave it to Tim to do a $5.00 dare that Bill offered. He jumped face first into a humongous pile of leaves today.
The doctor claims that Bill is cured of sarcoidosis but I never really thought it was a real disease anyways.
Toni got to hear his baby's heartbeat today.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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