Tuesday, November 20, 2018


The Daily Chatter*


I think Tim was prodding me for extra gossip last night and I think that he thought that I was holding out on him but I seriously had nothing good.  This makes me think that he knows something and maybe he's holding out on me.

Bill told his wife that he was going to wear her maternity pants to do Thanksgiving dinner correctly.

Ashley wasn't a huge b*tch today for being at a concert all night which is also why Tim avoided the office today.  I thought she controlled her ill temper quite well, all things considered.

Bill did his part, he made several phone calls to the landlords about the issue of them temporarily closing down the back entrance because too many cars shortcut through our parking lot.

I think John is taking on Roger traits. I'm pretty sure he told Faith to peace out when he left.

"Steve is an unhelpful son of a b*$%h." Bill

While I was drinking at my desk I had a epiphany. I think we should knock down the electric company that divides our building from our old building and then extend our driveway through their space and that way we can easily get out to 208th without having to make unnecessary turns. Eventually we'll need to put in some sort of overpass to the freeway but baby steps for now.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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