Friday, November 16, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Bill was very offended that someone messed with his coffee this morning, he said it smelled like nuts and not the kind that are in Toni's coloring book.

Jared was telling me this morning that his son was heartbroken last year when he refused to buy him a Roomba just for the cat to sit and ride on.

I wrote on our Christmas Party invite that escorts needed to be over 21. Heather informed me that at her last job the guys had three hookers at their Christmas Party one year, sounds like they knew how to party.

Tim told me that I have the best fingernails just in case anyone is in competition with me.

Faith told me the other day that I had that April look when I was telling her something. The weird part was I wasn't even thinking of something devious. I wasn't planning on doing anything to Michael at that time so I'm not sure what's she's talking about.

I have to say that most men look great in uniforms and especially in Toni's coloring book. Unfortunately Kellen didn't have that effect on me today when I saw him in his UPS uniform, he looked more like a brown Christmas Elf.

Roger, Faith and Typhinee are all flaking on our Christmas Party. Two of them will be overseas and one claims that her daughters birthday is that day.

The funniest thing is Kellen works at the same location as Sarah's husband.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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