Thursday, March 22, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks that I'm mad at him and he also thinks that I have telekinesis (even though I'm pretty sure Ashley fixed his issue).

Good gosh, I know some here will be thrilled but seriously the first "Deadpool" wasn't enough so they made a second one.

Toni claims that he was young and stupid when he got his tattoos.

Toni pointed out Marty's ride to me. Man he's going to get all of the women with that rad scooter.

On our cruise one night while we were waiting for the sun to set I thought I saw Phoebe run by me on the jogging course. Turns out this girl was even weirder than Phoebe, she had in earbuds but she seemed to be dancing to the ship music. This girl was absolutely in her own world for a long time, I still think she was on something because multiple groups of people started watching her and she never acted like she noticed. (Video attached with link)

*not to be construed as Gossip

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