Monday, March 19, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Ashley 1.0!

Tim rode his dirt bike over the weekend for the first time since he broke his arm and apparently it is now on craigslist, he finally realizes that it's a young man sport. He's walking around today like he just delivered triplets.

Our third port of call was the French island of Martinique, where very few people on the island speak English. We were lucky to find a small group island tour in English. On this tour they drove us through the rain forest (where it actually rained), through the town of Saint-Pierre that was ruined in 1902 and 30,000 died because of a volcanic eruption by Mt Pelee, then to forget about the horrible catastrophe of 1902 we went to a rum distillery and sampled rum and then it was off to a beautiful beach next to a French bakery. I swear pastries made right is heaven on earth for those few bites.

*not to be construed as Gossip 

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