Thursday, March 15, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Jason was super excited to hear that Steve did the scheduling. He must have some good blackmail photos of Steve.

Our first cruise stop was supposed to be St Croix but because of the waves from the Nor'easter they sent us to another US Virgin Island, St Thomas. When we arrived we found out that there were only four beaches open on the island and there were three cruise ships in port so needless to say we shared the beach with a lot of people that day. Originally I thought we found a nice secluded area on the beach until some Russian ladies decided to use our end of the beach for their weird photo shoot which included changing out bikinis on the beach and lots of butt shots. For some reason Bill wanted the name of this beach after I told him the story about the photo shoot so in case you also want to go it's Secret Harbour.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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