Thursday, March 23, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Toni's not the only one who has issues with the hamster car. Tim mentioned this morning that Steve needs to get a real truck because that thing is embarrassing. I'm pretty sure Steve is digging the Kia because he thinks that he'll attract dudes and then Toni will want one too.

Roxanne thinks she found where Sarah gets her crack from but Sarah told Toni that she buys it from me. What can I say, I just like to please everyone with their drug needs.

Tim came up with an interesting scenario today in which he wanted me to give him $700 in petty cash. Nice try Tim!

I was told today that anything goes in a room with only Roger, Steve and Typhinee.

Mary promised to fire anyone who is politically correct, if we ever hired them.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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