Monday, March 27, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Kellen's a liar, he didn't go out with the forty something year old on Friday.

If you walk around with a backpack full of snacks, Bill thinks that he can call you kiddo.

Roger went to a funeral this last weekend where the family thinks that the wife killed the husband instead of him dying at the hotel at Disneyland. Roger thought that it made for a very interesting funeral.

Tim apparently can't make our BBQ this year because his daughter is getting married the next day and his wife told him that he has obligations.

Toni put another bid in on a house. If he doesn't get this one he's going to be the guy who has bid on every house in Seattle.

We finally got to see our newest grandson Liam on Friday night and he's adorable.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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