Monday, March 20, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Tim thinks he's too old to have gone quadding because he's feeling muscles that he never realized he  had.

"I think you're making some sense here, how the he$$ did that happen." Bill to Tim

Roger said he had a good trip, he didn't die and the food was good but all of the staff did look at him very strange in one of the museums at closing time....

Bill said that Jared mentioned that he didn't have high hopes for staying married. I think somebody likes having his brother back to help with things.

Toni was the first one who took Steve's hamster car for a joyride even though he apparently can't stand those cars.

I told Kellen on Friday that I was going to a Rick Steves' seminar over the weekend and he didn't know who that was. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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