Tuesday, March 14, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Kellen claims that Toni cut off 25 cars this morning and that he was one of them.

The tenant from our old space was telling me today that some girl used the bench in front of their space to smoke pot at.

Tim tried making me feel important today, he pretended that he didn't know what was wrong with his computer. 

One of Toni and Nikki's offers may have been accepted on a house....

Aruba is truly as beautiful as people say it is (but don't ask Tim he doesn't remember the island). The beaches that we saw were gorgeous, the water is a beautiful turquoise blue color, the resort areas were very inviting but I never would have expected so many cacti on the island. Our big highlights were that we got to go on a tour to an Aloe Factory and go to the California lighthouse.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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