Tuesday, March 5, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Everyone was nice to me today except for Ashley. She informed me that she didn't miss the Roomba in the mornings when I was gone and she wouldn't even offer me a cup of coffee.

Steve and Bill depressed me this morning by telling me that Luke Perry died yesterday.

Bill claims that he has a special stamp for home, I'm assuming so that he doesn't have to sign cards for his wife.

Toni said that the island of Kauai had a lot of chickens which was good for him considering they eat all of the spiders which are disgustingly huge.

As for my vacation that I get to bore you all with, I thought Maui was an incredibly beautiful place and more laid back than I thought it would be. Since the humpback whales that are born in Hawaii return to mate and give birth in Hawaii we saw whale sightings at least every ten minutes, if not more. On our first day we drove to the Iao Valley and then proceeded to an area with a reader board that claimed possible landslides and local access only. We decided that possible was a funny word to use on a sign and drove the road anyways and we were glad we did because the views were amazing.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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