Monday, March 18, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Toni and Kellen still text each other. Kellen's mind was blown when Toni mentioned that he knew other Kellen's.

That's probably the last time that Jen will send the girls to work with her dad, I gave them a picture to color out of Toni's Men in Uniform coloring book.

"Let's admit it, it's the best diet that you can go with." Bill to me about taking meth

"Oh my gosh, why don't you shave, it's like Beauty and the Beast." Macy to Toni about his arms

"I can't believe that you're wearing green, it's like you don't want Marty to pinch you at all." Bill to me

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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