Wednesday, December 26, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

I couldn't believe that Mary came in today, I figured that she would be over at Stephanie's trying to push that baby out of her. It's possible that Stephanie already has a restraining order against her mother.

Typhinee wasn't very impressed with her Christmas gift, she got a pink purse which isn't her favorite color but it is Kellen's so maybe she can trade him for something.

Monday at the office was very quiet, turned out to be just Kellen and me so I raided everyone's desks and Sarah won for the best candy, Toni won for the most dick drawings and Michael won for the most blackmail pictures, sheesh (I have a feeling that he's going to extort some money or maybe somebody's new office pretty soon).

Man I feel old, a headline just said that Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You was released 24 years ago, that's almost a Toni or an Ashley lifetime ago.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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