Tuesday, December 11, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Steve is my favorite person today, he offered me Tequila.

Don't ever ask Bill if he has a mandolin, you'll only get smart a$$ answers. Roxanne made that mistake this morning.

I made Tim throw up this morning, I guess I have that affect on men nowadays.

Roger and Dot leave tomorrow for Australia. I hope they have a nice time even though Roger will be afraid of everything that moves there.

I mentioned Heather to Toni today and he asked me who that was, he said that he's been calling her Michelle.

Ladies, Steve gave me exciting news, Thursday will be a man free for all in here. He has several guys coming in to interview for the warehouse helper position. I will need to make up some score cards with important information like on a scale of 1-5 will this guy be an improvement to our Installer Calendar that we so desperately want to have. Actually I think this pre-made wine score card will work pretty well.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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