Tuesday, December 18, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Tim's very disoriented today he left his phone at home.

I'm pretty sure Typhinee almost beat me up this morning for making fun of her in the chatter yesterday. Also if a skanky blonde woman comes in looking for her just give her Typhinee's phone number.

Steve and I are pretty sure that we have to be trust fund babies too so I think we're going to quit.

Mary said she was going to the mall to earn a little extra cash, ho ho ho'ing today.

Bill's bummed that there aren't going to be any "Laverne and Shirley" reunions because Penny Marshall died.

Port Orchard had a tornado today that blew roofs off of several homes. On average Washington has 2.5 tornadoes per year where as Rhode Island only has 0.2 of them per year. If you really want some excitement move to Texas where they average 146.7 a year.

*not to be construed as Gossip 

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