Monday, July 2, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Apparently I tricked Ashley 1.0 into working the 4th but somebody told her that I was full of crap and that she didn't have to come in. Whomever that was should be ashamed of themselves.

Kellen ordered Toni clothing items so that he would look like George Clooney from "A Perfect Storm".  I think that's a little weird to buy another dude clothes yet I don't find it creepy when he buys Sarah lingerie...

I think you're going to get San Diego pictures until I leave for my next trip which isn't far away (since I leave on Wednesday). These were all from Balboa Park and because we saw the "El Cid" statue in the park we're going to have to rewatch that Charlton Heston movie sometime soon to remember what it was all about.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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