The Daily Chatter*
I saw news that someone recreated three of Evel Knievel's famous Vegas jumps and I thought oh crap Tim did this while I was on vacation because I wasn't here to slap sense into him. Luckily it wasn't Tim but I might still slap him for scaring me.
Well today's been interesting, L&I showed up to a jobsite with a news crew.
Sarah asked Bill what kind of pants she should wear if she needs to go out and install her customers carpet herself. Apparently Rosali wore leather pants and Sarah thinks it's a good excuse to buy some for herself.
Toni claims he got useful information from an installer. I asked him was it anything to do with what to do with a dead hooker and now Toni thinks there's something wrong with me. This coming from a guy who likes to doodle male genitalia on all of his drawings.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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