Friday, July 13, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

I thought I was doing horrible today, first I spilled a bunch of coffee all over my dress first thing then Ryan offered me water to clean it and then I spilled that all over myself but after seeing Tim in a shirt that I thought was covered in blood but it turned out to be paint, I'm not feeling sorry for myself anymore. Apparently Tim's wife is out of town so she couldn't inspect him this morning.

Roger thinks that Sarah has been uppity lately. I think he was just mad because she was on the phone with Ashley 2.0 when he called in and she's who he wanted to talk to.

Michael got a new truck so we're organizing crews to cover it with manure in the middle of the night this weekend just to break it in for him and get rid of that new car smell.

Roger called me helpful on the phone this afternoon. I'm pretty sure he drunk dialed me, his wife is out of town in San Diego.

I think Toni took the entire day off to play with his new puppy and walk him near a gay bar to get some extra special attention since we apparently don't give him enough.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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