Monday, September 30, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley hit on a fifteen year old guy at the Wing Cook-Off and he told her to look him up in a few years.

"To Ashley even Toni looks tall." Steve   Toni said that was the only time in his life that someone had ever said he was tall.

Now Michael's blaming me for him not winning yesterday. All because I didn't wear something skimpy when I presented the judges with his wings.

"You lying piece of sh*t." Tim to Bill

Michael thinks he won yesterday in his mind because he was so selfless and reminded the other contestants of the rules otherwise they would have been disqualified.

Sarah told Ashley that she is ruining her life because the kid she's hitting on is the son of a somebody Sarah is trying to get work out of.

My poor husband has to  go to the anal rapist tomorrow for a colonoscopy so I won't be at work very long tomorrow.

I have only a few more days of vacation pictures left (I promise). I loved our day on Martha's Vineyard, it was a very unique place to visit and we had gorgeous sunshine. On our boat ride back over from Falmouth we enjoyed a spectacular sunset and a full moon rising above the water.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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